Recently on a production env, I was annoyed with "<Asset> isn't precompiled" error, though it was compiled using rake assets:precompile. I wasn't able to figure out the root cause. However I was able to work around.
I'd assets included on the view, using <content_for>. I removed and required it within the controller specific asset file and things started working. So as far as I can say NEVER require assets within the view, using <content_for> or <provide>. Asset pipeline, chokes for some reason.
I'd assets included on the view, using <content_for>. I removed and required it within the controller specific asset file and things started working. So as far as I can say NEVER require assets within the view, using <content_for> or <provide>. Asset pipeline, chokes for some reason.
for T in `mysql -u root -B -N -e “show tables” test`; do mysql -u root -e “alter table $T type=innodb” test; done
Replace “test” with the target database. This pattern is also great for optimizing or analyzing your MyISAM tables.